Thursday, November 23, 2006

this is the beginning

This is the beginning of a project that may or may not develop. It was inspired by a couple of things. 1) My own desire for self exploration. 2) The conversation between me and Christine Sislak involving blogs, learning, and majoring in Biology.
I guess I need to remind myself (and whoever else chooses to read this) about why I'm here in college, why I'm here in Seattle. Existance.
This is my second year here at the University of Washington and, after a rocky first year revolving mostly around me wanting to be a doctor, I've decided to settle down on a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Plant Biology and a Minor in Spanish. This is, of course, tentative, because I have not yet taken Biology. Chemistry? yes. But not Biology. That starts next quarter. I'm excited to see where it may lead.

Plant Biology. I've never been so stereotyped as a stoner before in my entire life until I made this decision. I used to compare smoking marijuana to the witch burnings. Something about sacrificing valuable things for spiritutal revival. I don't know. I still believe it to be disrespectful, though I don't tell many people my opinion on the matter.
My choice in the matter I think evolves from the idea that, macroscopically speaking, plants may be one of the most, if not the most, important things on this earth. And yet there is so many things (so many) that I, and many others, do know understand about their functions, abilities, struggles, evolution, etc. I want to conquer that ground. They provide humans with a significant amount of energy in so many ways. I know that there's more to them than we give them credit for. Botany is the infinite abyss of knowledge. Much as most areas of study are. It's a shame we only have 4 years to study one or two of them. Choosing a major is frustrating. Of course I want to know everything about Quantum Physics, and Music, Astronomy, Psychology, Sociology, History, Zoology, Ecology, Organic Chemistry, Spanish, etc. And we can only major in one? I have to pick one? Well. Ok. fine.

My current goal for my undergraduate education can be summed up in 5 bullet points:
1) Learn Spanish
2) Learn Portuguese
3) Study Botany
4) Learn how to dance
5) Sing

Bullet point 4 is very vague and may be achieved mostly through the experimental college. Bullet point 1 is up and running. 2 is beginning hopefully over the summer with PORT 101 and 102. point 3 will show up next quarter when I start the Biology series (180, 200, 220). Point 5 is achieved through Choir, which, if lucky, I will take every quarter.

This blog will also facilitate documentation of various travel events as well as a raving center for music that is good.

I want to note things that I learn every day. Big or small. Academic or other.

I'm hoping this will provide me a daily (or weekly, or whatever) distraction from life stresses and allow me to reflect on my day.

We'll see what happens

- jkmps


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