Friday, November 24, 2006

Vessels, Slacklines, and Pistachios.

I smell like dirt. And for reasons to be explained, I am completely unable to clean myself. Or really move for that matter. Yesterday I got on a ferry boat, a vessel. It took me to Bainbridge Island, which, if you havn't been there, is alot smaller than you might think. I hadn't been on a vessel of sorts since my childhood (if the term Mayne Island means anything to you, than you're probably my sister, or my great-grandmother) and I came into aquaintance with my fear of large bodies of water at night. But it was clear skies. And slowing edging away from the middle of Seattle is quite spectacular at night. There's something remarkable about the strong ferry wind. Anyway, I mingled with Evan and his fantastic parents at his house for the evening. Mostly listening on my part. There was that obligatory conversation about honey (involving confusion, and an always quick refresher (on my part) on the importance of bees). There was an exchange of guitar knowledge (which is one song on my part (Soco Amaretto Lime)), and some conversations about life. Watching of ER with Evan's wonderful mother. (ER was so dramatic.) The usual. We slept. We woke up. Breakfast. Tea. I saw the island a bit. It's small. and Woodsy. His family has this cute ex-fishing boat. Looks like somthing out of a cartoon. (We'll get to how I want to live on a boat later). And then the highlight of the day: slacklining. Always a fascination of mine. It's so much harder than it looks. There's nothing physical about it (minus a little inate sense of balance). It's all mental. Focus. Focus. Invert completely inside yourself. I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think I've ever been so into me before. Then you snap out of it, and fall.

That ensued for at least an hour or two. I sprained my ankle. We stopped. Evan had company coming over. And I didn't want to be the lame handicapped whining boy taking up their couch space that evening, so I made the mistake of leaving shortly after. This involved a ferry ride back to seattle, walking uphill 5.5 blocks to the bus stop. Bussing to the UDistrict Walking 2 blocks to Araya's. Walking all the way back to campus. Ok. Not walking. Limping. Saw Jeff (hi jeff). He made me chai.

I would like to live on a boat someday. You know, with a cat or something. I just envision alot of rice. and alot of overgrown facial hair. And just travel down the coast of the USA through the panama canal and over to puerto rico. up to new york. hit up broadway......... I don't know.

Just as a recap,
Today (and yesterday) I learned about:
1) Slacklining
2) my body; sprained ankles: don't walk on it. keep it raised.
3) bainbridge island
4) the relative cost of boats
5) the effect of pain on mental processes
6) listen to your mother. no matter what. (especially if she's a nurse, and you're injured)
7) how to ride ferries
8) Cell phone reception with respect to incoming calls from the Czech Republic

I played around with the song We Are The Rain today. I hate how grammatically akward the name of that song is. I am the rain. You are the rain. S/he is the rain. We are the rain? I don't know.

I've been watching The West Wing. Reading Seed to Seed. Studying O-Chem.

Pistachios and such.

desert ed streets of seattle on this twenty third while everyone is thank ful today; I am thankful every day even the homeless have gone home on this vessel I will ride I have no fear of water be careful, john, your gloves are unravelling 23 is a prime number the night is mine.


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