Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer, a note mostly about fruit flies.

I don't even know what happened to the summer. I do know that I love physics though. If it didn't involve so much calculus (which I... ugh. know nothing of) I would be more enthralled by it. Mas tudo bem né?
I was told today that the energy in the sun is created by hydrogen atoms smashing into other hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms (BAM). That's all good and all. You know. And somehow plants use this energy to form sugar usable by cells. Blows my mind.
I'm not an extemely clean person. And I think the hoards of insects in my apartment might be a sure sign of this. But mi casa es su casa right? This weekend is only going to involve packing up and cleaning. I'm so sick of my belongings being so transient. I would like to only have like 2 boxes worth of belongings. But that's impossible. I am excited to explore western europe with a backpack. Also excited about fall quarter. I have little to say. This always happens when I sit down to write in this blog. I finally got around to fixing my beautiful bike. So that's being used. Europe in a couple days. Math final tomorrow. Boxes. Fruit flies. tudo isso né?

