Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Conifers, Krebs Cycle, and Ballet

Spring quarter marches ahead with no sign of slowing. Which is good. Probably. I like being this busy. I work well. I am happy, a little stressed, but overall good.

Here's a quick breakdown of my quarter:
Biology 200 - I am trying to grasp Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain, collectively making up the process known as cellular respiration. It's an incredible process. Complex things like this make me realize why so many people submit themselves to religion instead of science. This stuff is way too complicated for any sane person to fully understand, and intellegent design dumbs it down alot. So yea, I'm all in favor of ATP production. There are some amazing mechanical things happening in our cells. It's mind blowing.

Biology 317 (Plant ID) - We just had a quiz. Thanks to it, I can now identify 17 different conifers native to the northwest down to family, genus, and species. I also have a broadened vocabulary for describing the size, type, arrangement, margins, apexes, and bases of leaves. OH! And I keyed a plant today in like 30 minutes. It was awesome. (To key a plant is to figure out what it is, basically. Using really complicated referencey text books written by botanists in the 1800s.)

Spanish 203 - Qué aburrido. Blah. Es obvio que a mi maestra no le importa nuestros educaciones. Pero, al otro lado, no esta muy "rough" cuando esta corrigiendo tareas. Pero, estoy emocionado para tomar el nivel 300 en el año que viene en otoño.

Dance 109 (Ballet) - Kicking my ass.

Recital Choir - Chinese is a really rediculous language to sing in. Really really rediculous. It's even worse because I always resort to pronouncing things in a latin american accent. So. Chinese + spanish accent = disaster in the tenor section.

40 more minutes of the kreb cycle tonight. Spanish midterm tomorrow. Biology lab.

college is going by really fast.

And, here is a really amazing picture of the female reproductive structure (carpels aahhhh) of a magnolia flower.


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