Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'd rise superior to my pain

Damnit. Another sprained ankle.

Spring quarter marches ahead. With no breaks. I've been randomly collapsing from severe exaustion. Every day is wake up go to class/work study study study go to study group go to class go to choir study study drink caffeine recopy biology notes go to the library study

and yet I still fear graduating without knowing anything.

Wednesday we learned about Oleaceae (the olive family). Look at the name of this blog! and you'll see why I'm excited. I actually don't remember anything about the olive family from lecture. Their fruits taste good though.

The next 3 quarters of school are going to blow my mind.

and now, for an old southern hymn:
   Sweet rivers of redeeming love,
Lie just before mine eyes,
Had I the pinions of a dove,
I'd to those rivers fly;
I'd rise superior to my pain,
With joy outstrip the wind;
I'd cross o'er Jordan's stormy waves,
And leave the world behind.


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