Sunday, November 26, 2006

Superb Birds & Fat Octopi

My ankle is doing better. I'm sick of telling people what slacklining is (look it up!). Lauren got the new Little Mermaid DVD, so we're watching that. My good friend Matt introduced me to this television programme made by the BBC called Planet Earth so I got my hands on an episode. It's basically like watching the best nature program ever on an high-def imax screen. Except on a television. It's quite amazing. The Superb Bird of Paradise found is my new favorite animal. Today I didn't accomplish very much. Sitting around on my bed watching The West Wing (I'm on the 7th season now) and listening to Tori Amos. Today I learned all about crutches. They're fun for about 2 hours. They lose their appeal when you get rug burns the size of texas on your underarms. And when it's wet outside and you come inside to a tiled floor and slip like a duck on ice.

Anyway, not much new today. I'm calling off spanish, restoration ecology, and chemistry tomorrow so that my foot can do nothing but be elevated and I can plow through my spanish essay about love affairs in the portuguese olive groves and so I can learn more about alcohols and the reactions with.

Ursula has such a low voice.

I'm going to Mexico in a little over 2 weeks.



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