Monday, January 01, 2007

It begins...

in.... 2 days!

my life as a biology student starts in 2 days.

So does all my other classes. Here's the good ol' run down:

1) Chem 224 - OChem part deux. Same Professor. Same ol' same ol'.

2) Biology 180 - First class in a year long epic journey. Also the same classes all the Pre-Med-onnas take. ew. but. still. biology.

3) Dance 101 - because everyone should know how to dance

4) Spanish 202

5) Choir

New Dorm room. New roomate. Haven't met him yet. Finally got everything unpacked.

I found alot of Juno Reactor today and tomorrow I think I'm going to go to Target and buy a strobe light (as well as a lamp, a water filter, and a hammer) and have wild dance parties with one or two other people.

No drugs though. Maybe some tea. And olives!

QFC in the village is open 24hours and has an olive bar.

I foresee late night adventures? :)


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