Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Goodbye 12. Goodbye 13. Hello lov- February!!!!

I had an alarming dream last night. I don't remember it exactly but I remember the emotional strain I felt when I was having it. It involved a gas station store late at night and someone was robbing it when we went in (which, in the dream I remember protesting us entering. But we did.) It wasn't your everyday late night hold up though. It was a man with really pale skin and either blood red eyes and white crazy hair, or red crazy hair and cold white eyes. I think it was the former. I just remember terrifying redness coming from this man. So anyway, this man pulls out a gun right? And he aims it at...I think me. And I manage to karate kick or punch his arm away from me but he fires and shoots an innocent bystander (maybe my friend. maybe the store manager. I dont know). So I run out. There was a parking lot. And............. that's all I remember.

Weird night.

I'm in a weird position with alot of people right now. Me and my boss are kind of butting heads. And my spanish teacher and I have run into some conflicts. My organic chemistry professor is as uninspiring as you can get. The average on the midterm we took recently was a 41%. That's pathetic. My modern (dance) teacher and I are also arguing about alot of things. He is not consistant in his ability to teach us a routine. He is changing it all the time, and I'll call him on it (me being right, of course) because none of us knows whats going on. And he'll get all defensive. Then test me in front of the class about my knowledge of the routine. It's very weird. He's very weird. He came to me this morning and in front of the class just starting shaking me at the shoulders (like you would a child who just did something bad) and started shouting in a semi-raised voice "what is different about this routine from last week I changed something tell me what it is!." I had no idea what to make of it. So I told him (actually, I danced it) what was different and then the class ended and we all left feeling a little more akward than when we started class.

On the upshot: my ballet teacher loves me. I love her. We all love ballet. It's kind of magical. And Biology is a educative dream come true. We had a really dramatic lecture about the history of life (condensed into a 50 minute lecture: "earth forms. life forms. 90% of species get wiped out by giant meteor. And ergo, adaptive radiation, phylogenetic tree goes crazy, dinosaurs gone, mammals take the cake, and the rest is history.") This week we will be lectured on bacteria, viruses, then next week we'll do two lectures on plants (hurray!) and then three on animals.

It's all very exciting. Oh and choir is going great.

I've been listening to alot of musical theatre. Planning on auditioning for Into The Woods. I'm really into the musical Evita right now. Earplugs are a great invention. The UW greenhouse is amazing. Spanish midterm tomorrow. Dance performance date with miranda tomorrow.

Woah woah woah life is great.


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