Tuesday, December 19, 2006

limon y sal?

Today I climbed the 3rd largest pyramid in the world.

I think I'm mastering the mexico city metro system.

Here in the city, when you buy potato chips off the street, they squeeze lime over it and add salt for you. Its extremely delicious. Americans have alot to learn.

Monday, December 18, 2006

10 pesos equal 1 USD

I was going to write this in spanish. But there´s this damn timer on the top of the screen that is ticking away and the numbers next to the $ sign keep getting larger.

So. Mexico. Holy cows.

The thing about Mexico City is that you can get ANYTHING for 10 pesos. Anything. Anything at all. 10 pesos here. 10 pesos there. For example, this internet that I´m using is... drum roll... 10 pesos per hour! All street food, juice, etc. Anything you buy on the street (and mind you, the vast majority of people in this city, it seems, make their income by selling things on the streets) is 10 pesos. The markets here are deep. Long. Ongoing. Neverending. Tight. Loud. Chaotic. Messy. Fun. Everything. I´d like to empasize the neverending part. This is the 3rd largest city in the world. it´s huge. you must believe me. Also, the keyboards are different, I can´t astricks and at signs are extremely hard to find.

I arrived on friday. I napped.I really don´t remember much of that day.

On saturday, after a good nights sleep, we explored the surrounding areas of the Zocalo. I happen to be staying in a hostelright next to the largest cathedral and plaza in latin (y/o central)america. We went to an area called Coacan (spelling?). But Frida Kahlo lived, and died, there. And we saw her house, and her works. We wander alot. There´s alot to this city.

Yesterday we went to tepoztlan, a small town an hour outside the city, and climbed a mountain (it felt like) to see some amazing aztec ruins and an incredible view of thevalley. We bought some vegetables and drank alot of fresh juice.

Today was a light day. We went to the northern end of the city for the first time and visted this amusment park sized religious holy land dedicated to La Virgen Guadalupe. There were like 8 temples dedicated to her. and hundreds and hundreds of people there worshipping.

Veganism is impossible here. But it´s a fight worth fighting. We cook our own dinner in the hostel every night. Eat some street shit (potato chips, french fries, etc). Been eating alottttt of tortillas with black beans. Drink alot of bottled water. Emergen'C. Echenacea. Airbourne. All the good stuff.

It´s impossible to sum up my experience in mexico city. Completely impossible. I´m always experiencing new things that I want to write about but never have time at that moment, and then I forget.

The metro system here is incredible. 2 pesos per ride (thats .20$ USD. NYC is 2 bucks a pop). That combined with the light rail, and bus systems... you can get anywhere.

I´ve met alot of strange people. Many travelers. Locals. Europeans. Americans. Latin Americans.

The pollution here is terrible. I sometimes worry about my own health. The horizons on a clear day are just dark brown. Hazy. You can see it in the air in front of you.

Anyway, my brain hurts.


Thursday, December 14, 2006


Leaving for Mexico soon. Rachael. Long flight.

Doing some last minute stuff.

I ripped my chemistry final to shreads. So that's good.

Next quarter is going to be amazing.

paz e amor,
Aunt Beast

Monday, December 11, 2006


I found a good place. 2nd floor of Allen. On the sky bridge that you always walk under going from the fountain/redsquare to the hub. There are these quiet desks. Big. I can fit 3 textbooks and a computer. Big wooden chairs. Outlets at your disposal. Productive environment. I enjoy my studies right now. I only wish I had more time to study for my organic chemistry final.

So, let's work with the time we have :)

paz e amor

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mate Lattes, Little Mermaids, and Nostrils

Some say they taste like hay. Some say they taste like ass. Yerba Mate by itself tastes like ashtray. Why do I love the Lattes so much!? I think it's because its highly caffinated and yet not coffee. Hurray.

My finals are almost done. Tuesday. Spanish went superb (as always). Restoration Ecology was a joke. Organic Chemistry will be tough if I don't get my ass into gear and study.

So instead of studying I'm sitting here on Alix's bed listening to the score from The Little Mermaid.
Right now, my life has so much potential. And as we get older, we all sort of assume that our lives lose potential energy. I sincerely feel like that is not going to happen. Uphill!

I'm feeling very optimistic today.

and a runny left nostril.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Echinacea & Late Night Ramblings

Ok. Anyone who doesn't believe that herbal remedies are of any use clearly hasn't felt the effects of 12 ounces of orange juice, one packet of emergen-C, and 2 echinacea pills. It really helps.

Choir is more draining than any class right now. in the last week or so, I've had... 3 performances, 15 - 20 hours of rehersal. The effects it has on the body and mind is extremely significant. Fortunately and Unfortunately I will not be taking Recital Choir next quarter (only Chorale). So that should relieve some of the pressure.

Thursday: Choir performance. Friday: Final. Saturday: Final & Work. Tuesday: Final. Thursday: Mexico. Not to mention I still have to do some (read: alot) mexico planning, logistical stuff.

It's 4:49 in the morning. I would like to go back to sleep before the morning.

Phantom of the Opera is genious.

I'm very low on money. It's frustrating that I've become the ramen-eating, rice-cooking, poor college student that I am. But such is life.

eu quero dormir

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Finals. The word that strikes fear into the hearts of students everywhere. Finals are here. I am about to be consumed by their parasitical flesh eating tactics. Oh doomest fate. Oh farest blight. Be gentled with your strikes. I fearest thee. Oh finale.

To top things off, my roomate is being unusually inconsiderate.

Top Ramen is only 29 cents

29. cents.

Top Romen = the solution to my poverty.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said about american apparel.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fog & Noodles

You know, I've been surprisingly good about not getting behind on my studies this quarter... I don't know what happened tonight. All of a sudden I have a million things due in spanish in the next 12 hours and I'm trying to think where I went wrong.

I only have 5 days left of classes. A final on friday, a final on saturday, and a final a week from tuesday. Then mexico, florida and the start of a whole new batch of classes.

Me and Beth bought tickets to broadway shows today. We're going. Damnit. We're going! How exciting. We only have tickets to Les Mis and Pirate Queen, and we're also planning on seeing Phantom of the Opera and possibly Wicked.

The last couple days have just been choiry and rather boring. Finals are soon. This quarter is already over. This has been the fastest quarter so far.

I'm feeling a strong urge to leave the dorms. I feel like it would help my studies alot. gah.

Peace and Love is the same in spanish and portuguese: Paz e Amor. I think. I don't know if "y" or "e" is used in spanish.

grammer. uhhh.

I've been spending alot of time with alix recently.

Another choir concert tomorrow. Another monday. Still need someone to cover my shift on thursday.

This weekend has really just been fog and noodles. Next weekend will be spanish finals and organic chemistry textbook. The following will be mexico. Then florida. Then Seattle.
