Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mate Lattes, Little Mermaids, and Nostrils

Some say they taste like hay. Some say they taste like ass. Yerba Mate by itself tastes like ashtray. Why do I love the Lattes so much!? I think it's because its highly caffinated and yet not coffee. Hurray.

My finals are almost done. Tuesday. Spanish went superb (as always). Restoration Ecology was a joke. Organic Chemistry will be tough if I don't get my ass into gear and study.

So instead of studying I'm sitting here on Alix's bed listening to the score from The Little Mermaid.
Right now, my life has so much potential. And as we get older, we all sort of assume that our lives lose potential energy. I sincerely feel like that is not going to happen. Uphill!

I'm feeling very optimistic today.

and a runny left nostril.


Blogger Terrencio said...

You need to try some unsmoked mate chiquita (no hay-like, smoky flavor). Check out Pixie Mate.

6:27 AM  

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